


The Room Storybook - Messages in a Bottle

The Room Storybook - Messages in a Bottle
We place a storybook in each room.
"A book, a space, carrying various travelers' stories."
The room is like a vessel, and the storybook is like a message in a bottle.
In Norden Ruder, travelers can express their emotions about their journey through words, beautiful paintings, in the Room Storybook. They share these with the next anonymous reader, weaving touching tales.
Each of us moves forward in different timelines. Within the Room Storybook, we reference and converse with each other, sharing journeys and blessings of diverse life realizations.
When reading or picking up a pen, one can feel this profound emotional connection - familiarity, warmth, touch and affection. It’s like looking into a mirror and seeing oneself, perhaps in the past or the present. These shared moments in the room become essential nourishment in each other's hearts.
